In the Headlines – July 15, 2016

In The Headlines Beginning of the End of “Too Big to Fail?” The “never a bailout” crowd might soon get a boost from Washington. A bill designed to help a big bank through a potential Lehman Brothers-style collapse without using taxpayer money is receiving broad support on Capitol Hill. The Financial [...]

2016-07-14T10:09:00+00:00July 14th, 2016|Weekly Update|Comments Off on In the Headlines – July 15, 2016

In the Headlines – July 8, 2016

In The Headlines Bad Loans Threaten China’s Banking System Predictions of a Chinese banking system bailout are getting more numerous and coming from more mainstream sources. What was once the fringe view of market bears and short sellers is now increasingly being adopted by economists at some of the world’s biggest [...]

2016-07-07T11:17:52+00:00July 7th, 2016|Weekly Update|Comments Off on In the Headlines – July 8, 2016

In the Headlines – July 1, 2016

In The Headlines Life after Brexit: Potential Impacts for the U.S. Economy Voters in the United Kingdom chose to exit from the European Union (EU). The move, commonly referred to as Brexit, is expected to jolt the U.S. economy, rattling financial markets and driving up the value of the dollar. It [...]

2016-06-30T12:13:35+00:00June 30th, 2016|Weekly Update|Comments Off on In the Headlines – July 1, 2016

In the Headlines – June 24, 2016

In The Headlines Mattel’s Re-invents Barbie (Again) Mattel has been trying to remake the image of Barbie for years, lately by expanding her ambitions beyond just collecting clothes to entering professions ranging from politics to sports to being a video game developer. The Game Developer Barbie sports glasses, blue jeans, and [...]

2016-06-24T12:17:46+00:00June 24th, 2016|Weekly Update|Comments Off on In the Headlines – June 24, 2016

In the Headlines – June 17, 2016

In The Headlines Fed Report: Many Americans are Financially Fragile The classical signs of a recovery seem to be in place. Wages are slowly rising, unemployment is the lowest it has been in nine years, and inflation remains low. Yet according to the Federal Reserve Bank's latest survey on American economic [...]

2016-06-15T12:29:04+00:00June 15th, 2016|Weekly Update|Comments Off on In the Headlines – June 17, 2016

In the Headlines – June 10, 2016

In The Headlines House Flipping Returns, Pressuring U.S. Real Estate Markets After cooling off in 2014, home flipping is on the rise again—its share of all home sales is up 20% in the first three months of this year from the previous quarter and up 3% from the same period a [...]

2016-06-07T11:40:43+00:00June 7th, 2016|Weekly Update|Comments Off on In the Headlines – June 10, 2016

In the Headlines – June 3, 2016

In The Headlines Gannett vs. Tribune Publishing: Sign of a Dying Industry? As newspaper chains Gannett Co., and Tribune Publishing trade threatening e-mails and legal notices over a hostile acquisition bid that Gannett launched last month, it is hard not to picture a couple of massive dinosaurs circling each other on [...]

2016-05-31T13:08:34+00:00May 31st, 2016|Weekly Update|Comments Off on In the Headlines – June 3, 2016

In the Headlines – May 13, 2016

In The Headlines Goldman Sachs Goes Down Market to Strengthen its Balance Sheet For 147 years, Goldman Sachs has been best known as a secretive Wall Street dealmaker with the ear of the White House. It helps big institutions and billionaires bet on the markets and large corporations raise money. Now, [...]

2016-05-10T12:50:49+00:00May 10th, 2016|Weekly Update|Comments Off on In the Headlines – May 13, 2016

In the Headlines – May 6, 2016

In The Headlines Could Apple’s “China Problem” Get Worse? Apple is coming off a 26% sales decline in Greater China, the steepest drop among its five regions. More worrisome is that the greatest risks may lie ahead. That is the view of a growing chorus of experts and prognosticators concerned about [...]

2016-05-05T10:19:38+00:00May 5th, 2016|Weekly Update|Comments Off on In the Headlines – May 6, 2016

In the Headlines – April 29, 2016

In The Headlines Technology Giants Slash Jobs as Tech Buying Habits Change Intel’s planned layoff of 12,000 adds to a lengthy list of job cuts by Hewlett-Packard, VMware, EMC, IBM, and Microsoft. Intel’s recent announcement about cutting 12,000 jobs is just one more example of an increasingly tough period for tech [...]

2016-04-26T11:18:18+00:00April 26th, 2016|Weekly Update|Comments Off on In the Headlines – April 29, 2016
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