In the Headlines-September 12th, 2014

In The Headlines Shopping Shift – Retailers Confront a New Consumer Reality After years of slow to stagnant growth, some experts worry that the entire retail sector is now shifting into a fundamental decline. At a time of year when U.S. retailers should be riding the annual wave of back-to-school spending [...]

2014-09-12T07:46:16+00:00September 12th, 2014|Weekly Update|Comments Off on In the Headlines-September 12th, 2014

In the Headlines-September 5th, 2014

In The Headlines Walmart Becomes a Healthcare Provider Wal-Mart has been conservative when it comes to retail clinics, partnering with regional hospitals to offer services like flu shots. But now, the retailer is taking a more aggressive tack, with in-store branded clinics offering primary care at a price competitors may find [...]

2014-09-05T07:11:56+00:00September 5th, 2014|Weekly Update|Comments Off on In the Headlines-September 5th, 2014

In the Headlines-August 29th, 2014

In The Headlines Zippo: Finding a New Light As the third-generation owner of Zippo Manufacturing Co., George Blaisdell Duke is often asked how the company remains in business. America does not light up as much as it used to, so it is a reasonable question for the most famous maker of [...]

2014-08-29T12:57:53+00:00August 29th, 2014|Weekly Update|Comments Off on In the Headlines-August 29th, 2014

In the Headlines-August 22nd, 2014

In The Headlines Is the Expansion Still in its Infancy? Since World War II, five years has been the average length of an economic expansion in the U.S. The current expansion began in July 2009, just over five years ago. That fact would seem to suggest that the U.S. is about [...]

2014-08-22T07:38:25+00:00August 22nd, 2014|Weekly Update|Comments Off on In the Headlines-August 22nd, 2014

In the Headlines-August 15th, 2014

In The Headlines Old Laws Create a California Water Divide Last summer, in the second year of California’s latest dry spell, a farmer in the state’s Central Valley, paid $250 an acre-foot for water to irrigate his almonds, cherries, tomatoes, and cotton. (An acre-foot is enough to cover an acre with [...]

2014-08-15T08:36:23+00:00August 15th, 2014|Weekly Update|Comments Off on In the Headlines-August 15th, 2014

In the Headlines-August 8th, 2014

In The Headlines High Stakes Economic Poker in Africa The 1990s stand out as a hugely pivotal time in the geopolitics surrounding Africa. With the Cold War over, the U.S. turned its attention away from the continent, largely defining its problems as humanitarian issues, which are traditionally the lowest station of [...]

2014-08-08T08:24:06+00:00August 8th, 2014|Weekly Update|Comments Off on In the Headlines-August 8th, 2014

In the Headlines-August 1st, 2014

In The Headlines Machine Tool Vending Machines Come to the Shop Floor An episode of The Office involved a prank by co-workers on a hapless colleague. The victim’s desk contents—his stapler, pencil cup, plate, even his wallet—were stashed inside the office vending machine. Now an industrial supply company has turned that [...]

2014-08-01T07:00:55+00:00August 1st, 2014|Weekly Update|Comments Off on In the Headlines-August 1st, 2014

In the Headlines-July 25th, 2014

In The Headlines They’re Back - Junk Bonds Boom as Investors Seek Bigger Yields After five and a half years of the Federal Reserve keeping short-term interest rates near zero, investors say they have no choice but to seek ever-riskier securities to generate any type of return. That means almost any [...]

2014-07-25T08:27:17+00:00July 25th, 2014|Weekly Update|Comments Off on In the Headlines-July 25th, 2014

In the Headlines-July 18th, 2014

In The Headlines The Race to Supply Engines for the Next Generation of Jetliners As airliners replace their fleets with more efficient models, jet engine makers are rethinking how planes are powered in a bid to score deals with Boeing and Airbus. The narrow-bodied Boeing 737 Max and Airbus A320neo, slated [...]

2014-07-18T08:54:01+00:00July 18th, 2014|Weekly Update|Comments Off on In the Headlines-July 18th, 2014

In the Headlines-July 11th, 2014

In The Headlines Hello World! Affordable Internet Service Comes to Ships at Sea In the past, it has been a pricey proposition to connect a commercial ship to the Internet. But a new device is overturning the old business model for Internet access at sea, and lifting sailors’ spirits in the [...]

2014-07-11T08:26:52+00:00July 11th, 2014|Weekly Update|Comments Off on In the Headlines-July 11th, 2014
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