In the Headlines-February 20th, 2015

Baby, Don't Leave State governments collect billions of dollars in taxes every year, and they work just as hard to protect their revenue base as their friends at the IRS. Sometimes that means putting lots of eggs in one basket — then watching that basket very, very carefully. But one state [...]

2015-02-20T07:05:02+00:00February 20th, 2015|Weekly Update|Comments Off on In the Headlines-February 20th, 2015

In the Headlines-February 13th, 2015

In The Headlines RadioShack in Bankruptcy – New Life or Fade to Black? You probably thought the holiday season ended when the last Christmas lights finally came off the house. But then you would have forgotten the closest thing we have to a national fair. We're talking, of course, about the [...]

2015-02-13T07:05:44+00:00February 13th, 2015|Weekly Update|Comments Off on In the Headlines-February 13th, 2015

In the Headlines-February 6th, 2015

The Postman Always Rings Twice Getting mail from the IRS is rarely something to celebrate. If it's a bill, consider yourself lucky — at least you can just pay it and be done. If it's a "CP 2000" notice proposing a change to your taxes, get ready for a ride on [...]

2015-02-06T07:10:42+00:00February 6th, 2015|Weekly Update|Comments Off on In the Headlines-February 6th, 2015

In the Headlines-January 30th, 2015

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year Way back in 1963, the singer Andy Williams introduced one of the most popular Christmas songs of all time: "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year." Decades later, the office-supply store Staples repurposed it to sell school supplies, and Miller recycled it once [...]

2015-01-30T07:13:17+00:00January 30th, 2015|Weekly Update|Comments Off on In the Headlines-January 30th, 2015

In the Headlines-January 23rd, 2015

Trick Play Backfires; Team Thrown for Loss College football fans have been crying for a season-ending playoff tournament for years, to replace the invitational "bowl championship" series that usually prompted as many questions as it answered. Monday night they got their wish, as the third-string quarterback Cardale Jones and the Ohio [...]

2015-01-23T07:42:32+00:00January 23rd, 2015|Weekly Update|Comments Off on In the Headlines-January 23rd, 2015

In the Headlines-January 16th, 2015

A Royal Mess! Most of us don't get to choose our parents. And while we're usually grateful for the ones we have, we've also dreamed of lives that might have been. What little girl hasn't dreamed of growing up a princess, living in a palace, riding in a horse-drawn carriage, wearing [...]

2015-01-16T07:06:26+00:00January 16th, 2015|Weekly Update|Comments Off on In the Headlines-January 16th, 2015

In the Headlines-January 9th, 2015

Decoding the Code The Imitation Game is the critically acclaimed story of Alan Turing, a British mathematician who is widely credited as being the father of computer science and artificial intelligence. Benedict Cumberbatch plays Turing, whose work in cracking Nazi Germany's "ENIGMA" code helped lift the Allies to victory in World [...]

2015-01-09T07:30:39+00:00January 9th, 2015|Weekly Update|Comments Off on In the Headlines-January 9th, 2015

In the Headlines-December 19th, 2014

Taxation for the Other Guy's Representation Our United States of America was forged in the flame of tax protest. As early as 1750, our Founding Fathers objected that taxation without representation is tyranny. In 1776, the Declaration of Independence condemned King George III for assenting to Parliament's laws that "impose Taxes [...]

2014-12-19T07:31:16+00:00December 19th, 2014|Weekly Update|Comments Off on In the Headlines-December 19th, 2014

In the Headlines-December 12th, 2014

Taxation for the Other Guy's Representation Our United States of America was forged in the flame of tax protest. As early as 1750, our Founding Fathers objected that taxation without representation is tyranny. In 1776, the Declaration of Independence condemned King George III for assenting to Parliament's laws that "impose Taxes [...]

2014-12-12T07:58:52+00:00December 12th, 2014|Weekly Update|Comments Off on In the Headlines-December 12th, 2014

In the Headlines-December 5th, 2014

Jilting the IRS Harold Hamm was born in Lexington, Oklahoma, the 13th child of Oklahoma sharecroppers. He graduated from high school then went straight to work in an oilfield. But he didn't let his modest background slow him down. He hit his first gusher at age 25. Today, he's CEO of [...]

2014-12-05T07:11:57+00:00December 5th, 2014|Weekly Update|Comments Off on In the Headlines-December 5th, 2014
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