Ep 40: What Makes Your Financial Advisor Tick?
It’s time to peel back the curtain a little bit to learn about your financial advisor.
It’s time to peel back the curtain a little bit to learn about your financial advisor.
Talking about finances doesn't always have to be so serious. In today's episode, we use a couple of dad jokes to discuss some common misconceptions and topics that viewers may be unsure about.
Often times we focus just on the accumulation of assets as we near retirement, but decumulation is just as important when it comes to collecting those assets.
At first glance, each of these statements seem like basic common sense that everyone agrees with. But when we look at the way people actually behave with their money, it seems that common sense is actually a bit uncommon.
If you’re of the age that your mom and dad retired 20 or 30 years ago, the world was a much different place when they walked away from their paychecks. Let’s talk about how things are different now.
Ironically, life insurance is a young man’s game. The perception among many people is that your need for life insurance dramatically decreases and perhaps becomes completely unnecessary as you age. Is that really the case? On this episode, let’s explore some ins and outs of life insurance and its various uses.
Sometimes the easiest way to learn about something is make it really simple. Like some of the first true/false tests you might have taken in school, let’s play a round of fact or fiction to test your financial planning acuity.
If you had a million dollars, how long would it last you in retirement? How drastically does that longevity change if you move to a bigger/smaller city? We’ll take a look at some stats from various areas across the country to show how difficult it is to make your money last in some areas, and how easy it might be in others.
Let’s talk about some of the areas of your financial life where you might be flirtin’ with disaster and don’t even know it on today's show.
Are pension plans truly disappearing across the country? Let’s take a look at the status of pension plans in America and how changes in that space impact you when planning for retirement.