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So far Walter has created 125 blog entries.

Ep 65: Going Against the Grain

Being a good advisor isn’t about winning a popularity contest or just saying the same things that everyone else in the industry says. It’s about giving the best advice that you can for each individual situation. On today’s show, we’re going to peel back the curtain to discuss some areas where a good financial advisor’s opinions might go against the grain with mainstream ideas in the industry.

2023-06-26T19:22:20+00:00September 15th, 2022|Podcast|Comments Off on Ep 65: Going Against the Grain

Ep 64: How Procrastination Dooms Your Financial Future

People have many reasons for procrastinating when it comes to putting a retirement plan together. Let’s explore some of those excuses and why they can be dangerous, and talk about how to overcome them…

2023-06-26T19:22:42+00:00September 1st, 2022|Podcast|Comments Off on Ep 64: How Procrastination Dooms Your Financial Future

Ep 63: What They’re Saying: Analyzing Advice On Surviving A Bear Market

It’s no secret the stock market is in turmoil. We’re in a bear market and the R-word (recession) is getting thrown around daily. So, what can you do to survive bear markets like the one we’re in now? We’ve collected advice from various commentators and “experts” from across the country. You might have even heard some of this advice yourself. But should you follow it or proceed with caution? We’ll breakdown the guidance to provide some important context and perspective.

2022-08-18T05:00:35+00:00August 18th, 2022|Podcast|Comments Off on Ep 63: What They’re Saying: Analyzing Advice On Surviving A Bear Market

Ep 62: Can You Get An A+ On Our Retirement Planning Quiz?

Don’t dread this as much as you hated hearing these words as a kid, but it’s time for a pop quiz! We’re putting retirement planning preparedness under the microscope with 5 critical questions to which you need to know the answers. So sharpen those pencils and let’s see how ready you are for retirement.

2022-08-04T05:00:41+00:00August 4th, 2022|Podcast|Comments Off on Ep 62: Can You Get An A+ On Our Retirement Planning Quiz?

Ep 61: Why Retirement Planning Ain’t What It Used To Be

In some ways, retirement planning was easier for past generations. Let’s explore how a good financial advisor helps people overcome the additional challenges of today. Our parents and grandparents may not have had to face these things, so just relying on the experiences of family members might not be enough to help us achieve our own financial success…

2022-07-21T05:00:35+00:00July 21st, 2022|Podcast|Comments Off on Ep 61: Why Retirement Planning Ain’t What It Used To Be

Ep 60: Do You Concur? Picking Sides In Important Financial Debates

On this episode, we’ll try to pick sides in some important financial debates. From bonds to life insurance, credit card debt to starting Social Security, we’ll propose several different topics to see which sides of the debates you and your advisor should probably fall on.

2022-07-07T05:00:01+00:00July 7th, 2022|Podcast|Comments Off on Ep 60: Do You Concur? Picking Sides In Important Financial Debates

Ep 58: What to Do as You Count Down the Days to Retirement

We’ve assembled a list of priorities to keep in mind as you count down the days to retirement. From getting healthy to thinking about a post-retirement career, what do we do as we count down the days to retirement?

2022-06-02T05:00:53+00:00June 2nd, 2022|Podcast|Comments Off on Ep 58: What to Do as You Count Down the Days to Retirement

Ep 57: Reasons You Should Get Life Insurance

Sure, life insurance is one of the more boring topics to cover on a podcast. And a lot of what you hear is going to warn you why you should NOT get various types of life insurance. But our goal on this episode is to focus on the positive and analyze the reasons why you should get life insurance, or at least consider it. Many people think that once the kids are out of the house, you don’t need insurance anymore. But there are some other reasons why life insurance can be a useful part of your retirement plan.

2022-05-19T05:00:15+00:00May 19th, 2022|Podcast|Comments Off on Ep 57: Reasons You Should Get Life Insurance

Ep 56: The Most Important Birthdays In Retirement Planning

There are certain age milestones where you should really pay attention to your retirement planning progress. On this episode, we’ll look at the most important birthdays as you approach retirement and cover the exact things you should be checking off your to-do list at each age.

2022-05-05T05:00:04+00:00May 5th, 2022|Podcast|Comments Off on Ep 56: The Most Important Birthdays In Retirement Planning
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