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So far casper has created 827 blog entries.

“Would you believe?”

Way back in near-prehistoric times, a spoof of the James Bond-ian spy movies graced the TV airwaves week in, week out. Get Smart On this show, super-spy Maxwell Smart regularly confronted the agents of KAOS in an ongoing battle to keep civilization zany and free. The somewhat inaccurately named “Smart” character [...]

2020-10-10T10:00:00+00:00October 10th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on “Would you believe?”

Say hello to my little friend

With the lockdown, many people have experienced greater levels of loneliness as they’ve been cut off from their normal relationships at work, church, sports, and so on. As a result, people have turned to their pets for companionship and affection. Petsmart reported sales of pet supplies jumped by 36% back in [...]

2020-10-08T10:00:59+00:00October 8th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Say hello to my little friend

Pop the cork… later…

Ahhhh, bubbly. There’s nothing like that sensuous experience of a fine bottle of champagne getting opened. …the crinkle of the foil as it’s unwrapped… …the soft twist of the wire frame holding the cork in place… …the anticipation as you see the cork slowly rise up in the bottle’s neck… Then, [...]

2020-10-06T10:00:10+00:00October 6th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Pop the cork… later…

T-Rex on your tail?

You never know what information may come in handy… Today I’m going to share a tidbit discovered among the pages of Wired magazine: “How to Outrun a Dinosaur” Of course, one hopes you’d never encounter such a situation, and indeed, chances are slim. The last known predatory attack from a T-Rex [...]

2020-10-03T10:00:34+00:00October 3rd, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on T-Rex on your tail?

Not so foolish any more…

Gold Fever. Since time immemorial men and women have left hearth and home in search of all that glitters. The discovery of gold nuggets in the Sacramento Valley in 1848 was clearly a pivotal moment in US history – thousands of miners flooded California, extracting over $2 billion in gold in [...]

2020-10-01T10:00:10+00:00October 1st, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Not so foolish any more…

The 19-second secret to regaining your sanity

I’m going to share a secret. This secret has helped me de-stress, refocus, and even reinvigorate my brain. And the great news is that you can do it any time, anywhere, and often. No one will notice. Ready? It’s breathing. Now – you’re probably thinking, “Duh. We all need to breathe. [...]

2020-09-28T10:00:14+00:00September 28th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The 19-second secret to regaining your sanity

Hit me with your best shot

Hit me with your best shot Why don’t you hit me with your best shot Hit me with your best shot Fire away - Pat Benatar As we enter the fourth quarter of the year, it’s the perfect time to do some evaluation. And I want to try something completely different. [...]

2020-09-25T10:00:34+00:00September 25th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Hit me with your best shot

Doodle do

Get your pencils, markers, and pens ready because September 25 is National Doodle Day. Doodling has many benefits – it’s associated with more effective learning, increased productivity, and better performance. And the good news is that you don’t have to know how to draw to start doodling. Here are some cognitive [...]

2020-09-24T10:00:52+00:00September 24th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Doodle do

Ep 159: Obsolete Retirement Planning Ideas

Today's Puzzle: Much like technology becomes outdated each year, retirement planning strategies begin to lose their effectiveness over time. Today we’ll look at five different planning ideas that have been used quite a bit before but might not have the same impact in today’s economy and market conditions. [spp-player url=https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/v5sish/159_-_NIKKI_EARLEY_-_OBSOLETE_RETIREMENT_PLANNING_IDEAS6a9d8.mp3] (Click [...]

2020-09-24T05:00:25+00:00September 24th, 2020|Podcasts|Comments Off on Ep 159: Obsolete Retirement Planning Ideas

How to get unstuck

One of the effects of our current pandemic has been increased indecisiveness. It’s not a surprise. When the news is constantly changing, and new government regulations pop up on almost a weekly basis—it’s tough to know how to plan. However, if you want results in your life, you realize that some [...]

2020-09-22T10:00:46+00:00September 22nd, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on How to get unstuck
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