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So far casper has created 827 blog entries.

Extravagance Not Required

At some point in time, it became a standard that we had to spend copious amounts of money on Valentine's Day to impress our significant other, often to outdo a previous year's celebration. Still, the truth of the matter is that you don't even need to spend mucho dinero on Valentine's Day. Taking [...]

2021-02-11T10:00:45+00:00February 11th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Extravagance Not Required

Spooning pigs?

Continuing with our theme of quirky and unique Valentine’s celebrations around the world, here are a few doozies: In Wales, there’s an old spooning (not that kind of spooning!) tradition where a hopeful young man would carve an ornate spoon out of wood and give it to whomever caught their eye. [...]

2021-02-09T10:00:53+00:00February 9th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Spooning pigs?

Hell hath no fury…

Can we even talk about Valentine’s Day without heading to the most romantic place in the world? I am of course talking about France, and the role it played in Valentine’s Day. One of the very first Valentines ever sent was in 1415 from Charles, the Duke of Orleans, to his [...]

2021-02-08T10:00:31+00:00February 8th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Hell hath no fury…

Looks Like Rain!

If life were like the movies, we’d probably have a crystal ball to show us what’s going to happen throughout our day. What’s this? There’s going to be a traffic jam on the highway? Looks like I’m taking the back roads! We’re getting hit by a freezing rain storm at exactly [...]

2021-02-05T10:00:38+00:00February 5th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Looks Like Rain!

Wait, haven’t we done this before?

Ever get that feeling of déjà vu? It might have hit you in the form of having the same conversation with the same person in an eerily similar way (or maybe the same conversation with a different person. Or maybe you swear you saw the same cat crossing your path twice. You’re [...]

2021-02-02T10:00:03+00:00February 2nd, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Wait, haven’t we done this before?

To Freedom!

Today, we celebrate two things: the fact that January (aka the Monday of the year) is over, and a very important unofficial holiday. National Freedom Day! This holiday dates back to 1947, one year after the death of Major General Robert Wright, to celebrate freedom from slavery - one of the [...]

2021-02-01T10:00:18+00:00February 1st, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on To Freedom!


“Candy is dandy, but… “ No buts. Candy rules. Especially CHOCOLATE, the dark lord that rules the roost when it comes to tastebuds around the globe. There’s no comparison – with a global market value of over $135 Billion in 2020, chocolate is a dominant confectionary force worldwide. And there’s little [...]

2021-01-30T10:00:47+00:00January 30th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Chocopocalypse

3 Trends Accelerated by the Pandemic

No question, 2020 and COVID-19 forced everyone to take a step back to reassess what really mattered – in business and in life. A surprising effect of the pandemic is that several trends that had been happening in the background took center stage in national, even international, prominence. The website VisualCapitalist listed several [...]

2021-01-29T10:00:03+00:00January 29th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on 3 Trends Accelerated by the Pandemic

The 1 Square Inch Gold Rush

I’m a big fan of fun and crazy marketing, like the great ads you used to find on the back pages of comic books… sea monkeys, submarines, and of course, x-ray glasses. And companies hand out freebies all the time to promote their products - usually, they’re just junky trinkets that [...]

2021-01-28T10:00:53+00:00January 28th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The 1 Square Inch Gold Rush

From start to finish in a flash…

Have you ever read the news about a new road construction project or what-have-you and wondered: “Why does it take so long!?” It’s a great question, especially since history shows people can accomplish a LOT in a very short time. Here’s a few well-known success stories that didn’t take forever to [...]

2021-01-26T10:00:16+00:00January 26th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on From start to finish in a flash…
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