Whether it’s work or play, your wardrobe works hard for you on a daily basis. It’s time to give it some love with our next “New Year, New You” 30-Day Challenge: Overhaul Your Wardrobe. It’s a two-parter!

Today let’s go over ways to simplify your casual wardrobe. It’s time to toss those shredded khaki shorts you’ve had since college. Don’t delay – let’s get started immediately with the following tips!

Tip #1: Work the color wheel.  Odds are, you have multiple shirts, shorts, dresses, and sweaters, all in the same colors. It’s time to switch it up! Add a few extra colors to your wardrobe. If you typically wear bright colors like yellow, orange, or red, add a few darker blue, green, purple, or black pieces – and vice versa. 

Tip #2: It’s a numbers game. To build on the last tip, you really don’t need 10 sweaters and 15 t-shirts. Sort through your wardrobe and keep only your favorites. Make sure to toss old or stained items – reserve only a few items for garden work or house projects. If you haven’t worn an item by the end of the season, it’s time to part with it – it’s just going to collect dust for another year in your closet.

Tip #3: To everything there is a season. Set a reminder to go through your clothes and either donate or discard your well-worn pieces at the end of each season. When that season comes around again, it’ll motivate you to go out and pick up a few new items to replace the ones you parted with. Don’t just default to that old Rolling Stones shirt and khaki shorts (you still have those?! I thought we had this conversation!).

Tip #4: Choose your lifestyle. Let’s be honest. When was the last time you used those water shoes? Why are you hanging on to your old swimwear and ski suit if you don’t go swimming or skiing anymore? Replace these items with pieces that honor the lifestyle you have now – or your goals, like that new pair of runners you’ve been eyeing for your upcoming 5K charity walk.

One thing you can’t replace is your financial future. It’s never too late to overhaul your goals and refresh your portfolio. Now’s the time to give me a call at 513-563-PLAN (7526) or head here for a free 15 minute consultation to review your options and plans.