Well, how about it? 

Did you manage to find ways to save money in this busy 2021? 

If you’ve spent more time procrastinating than saving, I have some good news. You have one more chance to redeem yourself this year and look like a budget-savvy guru: New Year’s Eve.

It’s the last great big hurrah of the year, and hosts often go all out to impress guests. 

Naturally, this comes at a cost. 

For a night out on the town, a recent survey from Eventbrite shows that millennials are willing to shell out upwards of $228 per person to ring in the new year! 

A party at home will be much cheaper.

Factor in alcohol costs first – it’s smart to plan one drink per hour per guest. 

If you buy premixed canned cocktails for your guests, this is going to get pricey. Let’s say each can is $3.00, and your party is six hours for ten guests. 

That’s a whopping $180 to shell out on your guests, just for alcohol! 

Why not look for cheaper options? Beer by the case is much more affordable, but if you’re still stuck on cocktails, try making your own with lower-priced spirits, such as vodka and rum. 

If you’ll be pinching pennies to the point of disappointment, you can always have a potluck-style beverage event. At these parties, guests might bring a 4-pack or a 6-pack of their favorite brew for others to try. 

You might find a new favorite, and if you have picky guests, at least they can enjoy their own brand if nothing else is appealing.

When it comes to food, it’s easy to overdo it. 

Most guests will be fairly wiped out from Christmas celebrations – and anxiously awaiting the start of those weight loss resolutions come January 1st! 

Why not set out a few tins of cookies or boxes of Chocolates that went unused from an earlier party? These are already on hand and are a great way to use them up – so you don’t get stuck eating them yourself! 

And speaking of a healthy 2022, feel free to set out fruit and veggie trays. Odds are guests have been skipping vegetables over the holidays in favor of pie and eggnog. A healthy option can be very refreshing. Be sure to wash and cut the produce yourself to maximize savings.

One final tip to save on your New Year’s Eve party is a simple one; avoid using decorations with the year printed on them. You’ll want to consider reusing your New Year’s decor for future parties. Black, white, and gold are excellent choices you can reuse again and again. Protip – you can find tons of fun decor selections at the dollar store. 

Since 2022 will be shortly upon us, why not get a head start on the year and what it can bring you financially? 

Give us a call at 513-563-PLAN (7526) or visit us online to set up a free 15-minute session that could change your whole year!