It’s hard not to feel a little reflective on New Year’s Eve.

After all…

Should Old Acquaintance be forgot,

and never thought upon;

The flames of Love extinguished,

and fully past and gone:

Is thy sweet Heart now grown so cold,

that loving Breast of thine;

That thou canst never once reflect

On old long syne?

Another year has passed, and it’s par for the course to look back on what’s happened over the last 365 days, both the good and the bad.

How about you?

What happened in your 2021? If what comes to mind right away isn’t a positive thing, can you take something from it that will make the rest of your life better?

When I think of a new year, I immediately think of the infinite possibilities it can hold for us all. 

I think that’s what’s so special about New Year’s resolutions. 

We can make our goals whatever we want!

Want to lose weight? Get control of your health? Quit smoking? Finally tell your boss what you think of them?

It’s all up to you. 

I’m all about smart goal setting and taking intentional steps to make those goals happen – especially when it comes to money. So, if getting control over your finances and planning for retirement is on your radar in 2022, I can help; I’ve done it countless times for my clients. 

All you have to do is set up a 15-minute chat with me by calling 513-563-PLAN (7526) or using my online calendar to book a spot at a time that works for you.

Even if you and I never work together, my team and I want to wish you a happy and safe New Year and nothing but success in 2022 – no matter what success looks like to you!