Happy International Enthusiasm Week!
In the TV series, Curb Your Enthusiasm, the creator of the series, Larry David, tackles the details of American daily social life.
He often commits awkward social missteps and struggles with certain social conventions and expectations.
And a lot of people annoy him.
The character has a hard time letting such annoyances go unexpressed, which often leads him into embarrassing situations. He is also routinely the victim of elaborate misunderstandings where other characters believe he has done something immoral or disgusting.
Even though Larry David might disapprove, I’d say there’s a great way you can increase your enthusiasm this week:
Having enough money to enjoy life.
True, yes? When you think about your future, you probably imagine having enough resources at your disposal to handle all of your needs. And being able to take a vacation when the mood hits would be nice, too.
Not too many people get enthusiastic about scheduling a visit with their financial advisor. But they get downright giddy when they see the results.
At Money & Clarity, we’re all about giving you the kind of results that will enthuse you. It’s kind of like going to the gym. Everyone who sticks with it does it to get that beach-worthy body.
In the same way, we want your portfolio to be “retirement-worthy.” Just give us a call at 513-563-PLAN (7526) or book online and schedule a conversation. We’ll meet and learn about your goals, and then we’ll talk about the best options for you.
Give us a call now and reserve a spot on our calendar? We would love to show you how simple it is to do business together. And to answer your question, of course we respect wood. Larry would be impressed.
Nikki Earley, CFP®