Today’s Puzzle:

As investors, we’re always looking out ahead towards our goals in retirement so we’re constantly striving to move forward. But doing that can lead to us forgetting about the importance of managing what we already have. Let’s look at the important assets in our portfolio that might get overlooked and why it’s important to be evaluating your positions.

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(Click the featured times below to jump forward in the episode)

The Solution:

Many people right now are working with their advisor to assess their financial plan and make any adjustments that are needed. With markets down and uncertainty on the horizon, investors have made this a priority, which is definitely a good thing.

Too often we find ourselves so focused on the future and the steps we need to take to reach our goals that we don’t make enough time to revisit our assets and investments on a consistent basis. There’s a chance that leaving your portfolio alone might not hurt you, but are you limiting your potential by not making changes as your life does?

That’s what we want to discuss on this episode of Solving the Financial Puzzle with Nikkie Earley. The goal is to take you through the largest assets in your portfolio that might not get the attention they deserve. Once we identify those, we want to help you understand why it’s important to inspect you accounts consistently to find opportunities as they arise.

Take your 401k for example. Many of us have an old account from a previous employer that we haven’t looked at in years. Or there’s a current 401k that we don’t truly know what investments it contains. Wouldn’t you and your retirement goals be better served by evaluating these with a professional to determine what changes or updates you need?

You’d be surprised by how many people don’t understand what investments they’re in. Whether it was a decision made long ago or a move made off the advice of someone else, we just don’t know why some of our money is where it is. And that’s what we want to help you with on this show.

We’ll also talk about your house, which is a huge asset for everyone, and determine the options you have as your needs change and your goals shift. Then there’s Social Security and the retirement income that you’ll depend on. What should you be considering?

How about your future savings potential? If this is something that you worry about, Nikki will explain why you can make up a lot of ground in your 50s.

And the final thing we’ll touch on is bringing all of those smaller accounts you have scattered across different companies and websites and consolidating them into one place. Not only does this make it easier for you to manage, but it will also help you strengthen your investments.

Next time you think about where you should focus your financial attention, consider looking through these large assets with an advisor.

Check out the show now and use the timestamps below to skip ahead to specific segments of the podcast.

0:59 – How is Nikki dealing with the pandemic. 

2:37 – Maybe the most overlooked thing is an old 401k.

3:25 – A surprising stat that shows we’re not in tune with our investments.

6:04 – Your house and considerations you should be making about this asset.

8:57 – Social Security – what should you be thinking about here?

11:21 – Improving your future savings potential

13:28 – Should you combine your smaller accounts?

15:09 – Diversifying is important but many times clients aren’t overlapping investments.

16:32 – How does Nikki and the team help clients manage these investments?

The Full Picture:

[spp-tweet tweet=”As Americans, we are in charge of our retirement. We’re in charge of the investments we’re choosing within our retirement, so if we’re just blindly picking those, it’s really going to affect your overall success.  -Nikki Earley”]

Free Stuff:

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Additional Resources:

The host: Nikki Earley – Schedule A Time To Meet – Or Call: (513) 563 – 7526

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