I have a friend who was exploring a career change. She stumbled upon a business opportunity that seemed like it was right up her alley.

The opportunity presented itself as a “quick and easy way” to earn thousands of dollars. Since my friend thought she had the right stuff, she quickly signed up for the training.

My friend is smart. But she made a common mistake when presented with a money-making opportunity.

Believing the hype.

In the national bestseller by Dr. Robert B. Cialdini, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, he addresses the concepts of commitment and consistency.

Most people have a nearly obsessive desire to be—and to appear—consistent with what they have already done.

Because my friend had already made the decision that a business opportunity was right for her, she confidently signed up without checking any reviews or supporting (or non-supporting) evidence.

She wanted to justify her decision by believing this new opportunity would be simple and easy to do. But she was wrong.

It wasn’t simple, nor was it easy. She did eventually succeed, but it was because of her hard work and determination, which is generally how success works in the world.

The point is, we all favor the simple solution.

And when it comes to our finances, we’d like to be offered simple choices.

However, just because something is described in simple, easy-to-understand language, doesn’t mean it’s the right choice or the best one for you.

We admit we work hard to ensure you understand our financial advice. However, we don’t want to gloss over the details. We like to thoroughly explain the more complex aspects of your financial plan so you know what to expect.  We are committed to serving your best interests.

The simplest choice right now is to call and schedule your complimentary portfolio review. Call us now at 513-563-PLAN (7526) or book online. We’ll make sure you understand all the aspects of your financial decisions. Easily.

Hey, do you have “The Rose-Colored Glasses Syndrome?” I’ll explain more tomorrow.

Nikki Earley, CFP® & Dan Cuprill, CFP®

PS: To learn the steps you can take to protect and even capitalize on recent investment volatility in light of COVID-19, check out my webinar.