Ever take golf lessons?

I remember one time a golf pro watched my swing and said two words.

“Too stiff.”

He said my backswing was okay, but my torso wasn’t rotating in a way to help my swing. He added that many golfers may not realize a mid-back flexibility is key to getting the most out of your shoulder rotation.

Anyone who has played golf realizes how challenging it actually is. If a certain part of your body is stiff—for instance, your arms or hips—then it will affect how you hit the ball.

Flexibility is the solution.

Working on exercises to add flexibility to your arms, torso, hips, and legs can definitely improve your golf game.

And when it comes to your financial portfolio, one of the best pieces of advice I can give is to stay flexible.

For instance, you might have a flexible spending account. Your employer may offer a grace period to use funds from the 2019 plan year but it expires March 15.

We also can offer you a strategy to be flexible with your portfolio. We want to ensure that you enjoy the retirement of your dreams and can give you a pro’s evaluation regarding where to flex. Call us today at 513-563-PLAN (7526) or book online for a fresh 2020 financial plan. So during retirement, you can golf to your heart’s content with ease.

In tomorrow’s blog, you’ll learn why you might want to check under the bed in your next hotel room…

Nikki Earley, CFP® & Dan Cuprill, CFP®

PS: To learn the steps you can take to protect and even capitalize on recent investment volatility in light of COVID-19, check out my webinar.