Well, this year’s Oscars are now history.

The winners are probably still basking a bit in the glory of that little gold statue.

The losers are likely still licking their wounds… just a wee bit.

BUT – even if you didn’t take home the gold, just for being nominated, you received a pretty sweet consolation prize – a posh swag bag valued at over $225,000!

Not hard to find at least a little consolation there.

The six-figure bag, given to every nominee (courtesy of the marketing firm Distinctive Assets), includes the following:

  • Hfactor “hydrogen-infused” water ($29.99 a pouch)
  • Hotsy Totsy Haus amethyst bath bombs ($75)
  • A brainwave-sensing meditation headband by Muse ($250)
  • Vouchers for a 12-day cruise on the Scenic Eclipse (a yacht for 220 guests, with butler service, two helicopters and a spa) – the entire shebang pencils out to a nifty $78,190
  • Several other vouchers for match-making, cosmetic treatments, and rejuvenation procedures.
  • Last and least is a 2-pack of dark chocolate Milanos – $4.89 for a set of 10.

Seems to me there’s plenty there to soothe any battered ego.

There is a catch to all this swank – the IRS requires each recipient to cough up the associated taxes – a swag bag apparently qualifies as income.

Everyone, famous or not, has to manage that ol’ bottom line as best they can. Here at Matson & Cuprill, our goal is to help you live out your dreams with the best retirement portfolio possible. Call today at 513-563-PLAN (7526) or book online and let’s talk.

Dan Cuprill, CFP®