There’s an old saying that “the journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step.”

It’s so true. Far too often, we look far off to some future goal or dream that today seems totally unattainable.

But the truth is, we can accomplish amazing things IF we’re only willing to take that very first step.

One way to train ourselves to think this way is to develop the habit of taking small steps in all aspects of our lives. In a recent New York Times article by Arianna Huffington, she recounts how a personal crisis made her realize she needed to make some serious changes in her life.

So she recommends instead taking “micro-steps” towards your goals. Making at least SOME progress is absolutely better than none, and it helps build habits that eventually can produce real results. Here are several of her favorite micro-steps to a better life:

  • Block out time for email – the constant pressure to be “on-call” for email messaging affects just about everyone. But diving into that crowded inbox can destroy your productivity. So instead of constantly checking whether “you’ve got mail,” set aside a specific block of time to deal with it. Otherwise, leave it be.
  • Let yourself be BORED – we’ve all done it, waiting in line at the post office or at the grocery store… nothing to do, so we pull out our smartphones and check social media, email, the web… But what’s really wrong with leaving your phone in your pocket? What’s wrong with letting your mind wander for a bit? A moment that’s NOT packed with structure can be open to fresh ideas, insights, and inspiration.
  • Declare an END to the day – the to-do list never ends for most of us, which means we could keep going and going and going. But effective prioritization includes a willingness to accept that NOT everything will get done in any one day. Decide that the day’s done and let your body, mind, and spirit recharge to face a new day refreshed and reinvigorated.

Small steps lead to bigger ones, and over time, take you to the destination of your dreams.

It’s like building a portfolio – slow, steady, regular investments in your future over the long term can pay off in a tremendous way. Give us a call at 513-563-PLAN (7526) or book online and let’s schedule a time to discuss building a plan that’s great for you.

Dan Cuprill, CFP®