What’s your “happy place?”

On the beach?

The golf course?

In your garage?

At a high-end restaurant, enjoying a top-quality meal with friends and family?

How about your OFFICE?

I know – it’s hard to imagine that the “daily grindstone” could be a place that sparks joy while you’re there, but it is possible. Here are few tips from Forbes magazine:

  1. Come Up for Air to Clear Your Mind.  You weren’t wired by nature to spend endless hours sitting at a desk hunched over a laptop. Get up. Stretch. Step outside and experience some sunshine and fresh air for a bit.
  2. Make a To-Be List Alongside your To-Do List. Getting outside is great, but If you can’t access Mother Nature, as least pause and reflect on what’s taking place that moment in your life… experience a bit of NOW and escape, for just a moment, the pressure of WHAT TO DO NEXT. Just BE.
  3. Don’t Let Your Work Schedule Manage You.  Even though it’s easy to let happen, don’t sacrifice your happiness to your schedule by letting it call all the shots in your life. There’s a limit to how much you can accomplish – be willing to say no when necessary. And find ways to delegate tasks you don’t need to be doing, freeing yourself up for more high value activities, which include LIFE.

Of course, you can’t control what you can’t control. But in the areas where you do have the ability to manage your decisions and your time, look for opportunities to make your workplace as happy a place as possible.

For many, escape from the workday world to retirement represents the ultimate “happy place” scenario.  Call us today at 513-563-PLAN (7526) or book online to find out how to have a solid financial foundation to make that happen as soon as possible.

Dan Cuprill, CFP®