Okay, we’re going to talk about banking…

Getting into financial shape for 2020 includes taking a look at how you keep your money flowing, which leads us to Action Step #5: Banking.

You may have realized that banking has become a little more complex.

As banks have increased their services, so have your options.

You may want to take a closer look at what your own bank is offering you.

For instance, if you’re anything like me—you’re running around during the day attending meetings and have little time to visit your local banking branch.

This is why mobile check deposit can be a huge time-saver.

Mobile check deposit doesn’t increase the size of your paychecks, but it absolutely makes depositing those checks more convenient by eliminating the need to run to the ATM or nearest bank every time you get a check in the mail.

That saves one of your most important resources: your precious time.

Mobile check deposit saves money by eliminating an unnecessary trip to the bank and reduces your fuel consumption. Just snap a couple photos of your endorsed check and wait for the funds to appear in your account.

Review the bank’s terms to ensure you’re not charged a fee. But if it’s a free service, it can save you time and get the money into your account faster.

Also, consider looking for a bank that offers text and email account notifications. Unless you consistently use the envelope method for budgeting, you probably forget about the occasional small (and not so small) purchase.

Over time, such overlooked purchases can really add up.

These notifications can give you low account balance alerts and daily spending summaries. And they can gently remind you when you’ve spent too much or run the risk of going into negative balance territory.

In other words, they keep you on top of your cash flow, preventing needless fees and charges.

It’s never a bad idea to search for these types of services that can help you avoid more money going out than coming in.  Evaluating your current bank and searching for alternatives could be another way you grow your finances in 2020.

Give us a call at 513-563-PLAN (7526) or book online and let’s discuss more ideas on how to make that happen… and enable you to keep your account well-fed and satisfied.

Dan Cuprill, CFP®