No, Dan isn’t talking about James Bond this week – he’s talking all about financial bonds. He explains everything from the types of bonds there are to why bonds are providing a negative return rate this year (and why that’s not unusual). He also touches on the beauty of minimalism and how too many things cause stress and weigh you down.

In this episode, Dan unpacks bonds and makes them much less confusing to understand. He discusses how they are meant to work and why he always recommends that people keep their bond maturity short. He provides some great examples so you can understand bonds and be more successful with your investments.

Listen to the Full Episode:

What You’ll Learn In Today’s Episode:

  • Why Dan impulsively sold his home over the weekend.
  • How having too much stuff causes stress and why minimalism has its benefits.
  • Why bonds are providing a negative rate of return this year.
  • Explaining the differences between types of bonds.
  • The relationship between interest rates and bond values.
  • The idea of bond fluctuation and how it works.
  • Why you should keep your bond maturity short.

Ideas Worth Sharing:

[bctt tweet=”Some of you who have bonds in your portfolio may have noticed that they’re actually providing a negative rate of return this year. – @DanCuprill” username=”DanCuprill”]

[bctt tweet=”This issue of stuff- how easy it is to accumulate and now that I live in a much smaller environment – how nice it is. There’s so much less confusion.- @DanCuprill” username=”DanCuprill”]

[bctt tweet=”We are starting to see interest rates rise and as interest rates rise, bond values drop.- @DanCuprill” username=”DanCuprill”]

Resources In Today’s Episode:


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