On this episode of Solving The Financial Puzzle, Dan will be answering some of your questions and providing clarity on a few common worries and situations that effect your wallet. The questions are on a variety of topics from retirement, investments, savings, lump sums, merging 401ks, taxes and even international issues. There are some great questions from listeners that Dan has great answers and recommendations for.

When it comes to retirement, investing strategies could and should change. Dan tackles this important topic as well as explaining what different changes in taxes and international relations might mean for your savings and investments. He also discusses the smart options to consider when acquiring a lump sum and how to deal with multiple 401k accounts.

Listen to the Full Episode:

What You’ll Learn In Today’s Episode:

  • How much more aggressive you can get with investing as you get older.
  • How to understand the math of retirement vs. the math of accumulation.
  • Understanding the recent tax reductions and what that means for the future.
  • How your investments and savings are effected by taxes.
  • What international conflict might mean for the markets.
  • Where to start when dealing with acquiring a lump sum.
  • How to deal with multiple 401k accounts from different jobs.

Ideas Worth Sharing:

[bctt tweet=”If you’re going to be realistic about the future, you really do have to have a level of optimism. That optimistically is the realistic way to view the future because history just bears that out. – @DanCuprill” username=”DanCuprill”]

[bctt tweet=”The history of lottery winners going broke is quite prevalent and in fact most lottery winners run out of money.- @DanCuprill” username=”DanCuprill”]

[bctt tweet=”The days of you working for one company for your whole life and getting a pension are pretty much over.- @DanCuprill” username=”DanCuprill”]

Resources In Today’s Episode:


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