If you are starting to feel the effects of rising food prices on your wallet, today’s “New Year, New You” 30-Day Challenge is perfect for you.

The challenge? Start cooking from home!

I get that if you’re used to eating out regularly, this challenge will be tricky, but it doesn’t have to be. That’s why I’ve compiled some ways to help you get started. Today I’ll share a few, and you’ll get the rest next time I show up in your inbox. 

Start simple. You don’t have to go crazy and cook everything from scratch when you’re just starting out. Pre-portion out the easier things, like fresh fruits and vegetables. This can go a long way in helping you get the hang of meal prep. Once you’re in the swing of things, then invest more time in preparation.

Divide and conquer… leftovers! It’s going to be more motivating to grab something out of the fridge to eat if it’s been pre-portioned. Instead of leaving that giant tray of lasagna in the fridge, divide it up right away into single-serve containers. This takes the guesswork out of dinner or planning lunch for the next day.

Use substitutions. Meat is expensive. Vegetables are cheaper. In your next batch of pasta sauce, try using half a pound of ground meat and half a pound of veggies instead of a full pound of meat. Vegetables will add more nutrition and flavor at a fraction of the cost!

Have a backup plan! Exhausted after a long day? A piping hot greasy pizza is just what the doctor ordered! But do this enough, and delivery adds up! Instead, stock up on your favorite guilty pleasures like frozen pizza when it goes on sale; you’ll always have ’emergency food’ at the ready for those ‘screw it’ nights. 

The best part? It takes less time to cook a frozen pizza than to deliver one! And you don’t have to tip!

Your goal for this challenge will be to make a solid effort to cook more at home. Next time, I’ll share some additional tips to help make cooking at home come naturally! 

If you’d like to make financial planning come naturally, we’ve got you covered. 

Give my office a call at 513-563-PLAN (7526) or click here to set up a free 15-minute consultation. Let’s put some spice into your financial portfolio!