Many people have questions about their 401k options so if you’re not sure how to navigate your 401k decision making, you’re not alone. Dan has some great advice on how to get started with your 401k savings whether your employer is contributing or not. He discusses specific ways you can make wise decisions that save you money and stress in the future.
Dan gives a brief background on pensions and the general shift towards 401k plans. He also addresses some common questions about various issues that arise when dealing with a 401k plan. Dan wraps up with an explanation of the need for diversification and what to do at certain stages of life that will fit your life circumstances the best.

Listen to the Full Episode:

What You’ll Learn In Today’s Episode:

  • The shift from pension plans to 401k plans and why things are changing.
  • How presumed tax free savings can be effected by tax rate changes and tax brackets.
  • Why you might want to participate in a 401k even if your employer is not putting anything into it.
  • Why you shouldn’t borrow money from your 401k account.
  • If you should rollover 401k funds into your own IRA.
  • What target date funds are and why they may not be the best option.
  • How to balance contribution amounts out with a Roth account.

Ideas Worth Sharing:

[bctt tweet=”Pension plans are difficult to maintain because people are living a lot longer today than they used to. – @DanCuprill” username=”DanCuprill”]

[bctt tweet=”Understand the older you get, the more it is that you would incorporate income into the portfolio.- @DanCuprill” username=”DanCuprill”]

[bctt tweet=”Please do not build your asset allocation model based on what you think is going to happen in the next 12 months.- @DanCuprill” username=”DanCuprill”]

Resources In Today’s Episode:


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